Tim specialises in delivering local talent specialising in Data and Software Development for various organisations across Scandinavia. If you are a client looking for a reliable and efficient recruitment partner or a candidate considering your next permanent opportunity, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me direct!

With over 6 years sales experience in the automotive sector, Tim has developed exceptional communication, negotiation, time management and rapport building abilities. He has a comprehensive understanding of the sales process and how to adapt it in order to achieve the desired outcome. He has lots of experience handling sales from start to finish, managing accounts and dealing with repeat business.

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Das Senden Ihres Lebenslaufs ist zwar wichtig, aber uns kennenzulernen ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, eine Verbindung aufzubauen, die es uns ermöglicht, Ihnen wirklich dabei zu helfen, Ihr Ziel zu erreichen.